Wednesday, July 7, 2010


  • · What did I do well last year?

Distinctions for Interactive Authoring and Experience Design Methods.

As for The World Today and Critical Reasoning Skills.

  • · What did I do badly last year?

B for Visual Design Studio.

  • · Did I achieve my goals last year? How much of it did I achieve?

A bit. Barely half of what I wanted.

  • · What stopped me from achieving those goals?

Lack of time (Or rather, poor time management. Cause everyone’s given 24 hours a day.)

Inspirations come on the 11th hour.

Lack of practice; unable to fully utilize programs’ functions.

Other commitments.

  • · What are my goals this year?

To get Distinctions and As for all my modules!

  • · What do I promise to do if I encounter difficulties and am unclear about anything related to the class?

ASK lecturer and/or friends. Can also go online and search for information.

  • · What am I committed to achieve in this class?

Understanding the psychology of communication and culture.

  • · Who I am (name), and some brief, distinctive things about myself.

Hi I’m Charissa Gabriella Chandra. I am quite obsessed with the internet and many worldly cultures, especially Japanese. My main hobbies are surfing the net, playing video games, drawing, and cosplaying. I stick to my own trends and don’t like to follow the crowd. I’m not weird. I’m unique :)

  • · What is my (Unique Selling Proposition)? List a few possibilities.


Always finish my work on time

Loves character designing, especially anthropomorphism

Flexible portrayal of many personalities (only my closest friends know this. It's a result of cosplaying.)

  • · What bad habits of mine do I intend to do something about over the semester?

Procrastination is my baddest habit. Then again, everyone has that right? I guess I can try to better prioritize my needs over my wants, and not let my emotions affect my actions.

Also I’m very defensive when it comes to meeting new people. I judge people from the outside easily, which makes it difficult to make friends. Maybe I’ll scare my clients away. I need to get friendly, even if it’s only pretending. I’m sure things will go well after a while.

  • · What is my promise to the class this year... (What I can contribute to make it a better learning environment for everyone, etc)

I’ll make sure to contribute my ideas and opinions during lessons, and share my energy food with them, and help out if anyone needs tutoring for photoshop/illustrator/flash though I’m not an expert myself.

  • · What I would like to achieve in my three years in the DCMD course?

Cumulative GPA of at least 3.8!

Maintain my scholarship till I graduate!

Win in at least 1 competition which I participate!

…hey they rhyme.

And I hope I get a clearer idea of what I’m pursuing in my life. Will I be a designer?

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